PURITY 101 – Set Up Internet Boundaries and Rules

PURITY 101 – Set Up Internet Boundaries and Rules


All of these 101 tips come from chapters in my book 21-Day Purity Jumpstart.  It is the foundational book for our ministry.

GIVE SOMEONE ELSE THE PASSWORD – If you know the password to your filtering and accountability software, you have a loophole. Let a friend set the password. If you’re married, let your spouse be the only one who knows the password.


NO UNSUPERVISED INTERNET USE – This is a good step for those who cannot be trusted on the Internet. Make sure someone else is in the room when you are using your device. Another set of eyes will help you stay accountable. You may want to consider making a rule for yourself that will not allow you to get on the Internet unless someone else is there to supervise you.


GET RID OF THE INTERNET OR DEVICES WITH ACCESS – Extreme? You bet! If you have had major problems with the Internet and have proven yourself untrustworthy, this may be the only solution. You should not have to be off of the computer forever, but an abstinence period from the Internet could be the best thing to help you become healthier with your computer use.


BLACKLIST SITES – Some software gives you the ability to block specific sites that are bound to get you in trouble. If YouTube, Instagram, or a specific blog is a source of temptation, place it on a blacklist. Blacklisting


requires a password for some devices. If your device does not require a password, blacklisting will take discipline on your part.


WHITELIST SITES – Good software has a whitelist option. This blocks all sites on a device except for the ones that you have deemed permissible for you to visit. While this is an especially great tool to use for young children who have access to the computer, it can also be extremely helpful for sexual strugglers.


ONLY USE THE COMPUTER IN A PUBLIC PLACE – This is a good strategy for those who are either single or traveling. Go to the library. Go to an open table in a coffee shop or restaurant. Only use your computer where others can plainly see your screen.


STAY OFF THE COMPUTER AT VULNERABLE TIMES – This is a good rule for all who struggle. Alone times can be purity killers as well as certain times of the day. Make a commitment to your spouse or to a friend that you will not be on the computer during the following times:

 Early in the morning

 Late at night

 When you’re alone

 After your spouse has gone to bed


DECEPTIVE WORKAROUNDS – There are many workarounds and cheats when it comes to an Internet defense. If you work in I.T. or are well-versed with computer technology, you know many of them. Some of you see blocks and defenses as challenges. The more blocks you put up, the more determined you will be to circumvent them. If you find yourself looking for ways to get around the defense you have put in place to aid you on your journey to spiritual purity, then it shows you just how much of a heart problem you really have.

Any effort made to cover your tracks or sneak sensual content into your daily routine should be considered deceptive. If you are working with an accountability partner, you need to cover this deception with a good accountability question. Here are a few Internet actions I consider deceptive:

 Wiping your history

 Deleting your cache

 Uninstalling and reinstalling blocking software

 Trying to figure out passwords

 Workarounds

 In-app browsing

 Installing/uninstalling apps that are triggers

 Image searching

 Social media searching

 Accessing computers or networks you know are not protected

 Searching on public computers

 Going through backdoors and/or trying to find backdoors


Action Step: Start building the layers of defenses around your Internet devices.


Action Step: Figure out what rules you need to have with your Internet devices.


Action Step: Ask God to help you with your Internet defense:

“God, help me build a good strategy for my Internet and devices. Help me deep in my heart to want to be pure. Help me to be radical. Help me to be truthful with myself and with others about my Internet usage. Amen.”